To achieve the academy broaden values, Lumbini teaching students critical reading and writing with critical thinking, i.e. reasoning and thinking while one reads or writes.
We rule out rote learning and memorizing formulas and theories and facts and figures simply for exam purpose. But We emphasize to adore things which are our national and international treasures.
Inquiry Teaching
The more important thing is making students eager “inquire to learn”.
The inquiry method teaches students to find out things by themselves. In this method the teacher does not merely teach the facts; he/she guides them to learn the lesson.
Learning by inquiry is not only for the science but also for other subjects. In this case use of library is very important. To learn to find facts and meanings from books is education.
Positive Displine Teaching
Discipline is the set of rules that regulates one’s actions in society. It is training that develops self-control, character, or orderliness and efficiency. To be trained in discipline is the first step in education, a requirement for a decent person. But discipline forced by authority is often a failure. Human nature tends to resist dictatorial rules.
At Lumbini we adopt positive discipline, i.e. making students willingly accept discipline by letting them take part in making rules, or by giving them chance to say what they think about rules already made.
It is the best way to train students for democratic citizenship.